Help! I Haven’t Done Any Maintenance on My Asphalt. Is It Too Late!? 

Help! I Haven’t Done Any Maintenance on My Asphalt. Is It Too Late!? 

Have you neglected your asphalt surfaces, allowing cracks to widen and potholes to deepen? Have you lapsed on winterization? Are you worried that it might be too late to salvage their appearance and structural integrity? Well, give yourself a break! Contrary to popular belief, it's rarely ever too late to start asphalt maintenance. Any action, no matter how delayed, is better than none at all. Remember, late is always better than never when it comes to preserving your asphalt investment. But alas, you may be wondering about the consequences of neglecting your asphalt surfaces for an extended period. It's true that over time, asphalt can deteriorate due to various factors such as weather exposure, heavy traffic, and lack of maintenance. Cracks can widen, potholes can…
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The Impact of Temperature Fluctuations on Asphalt 

The Impact of Temperature Fluctuations on Asphalt 

As April rolls in, so do temperature fluctuations that can wreak havoc on asphalt surfaces. Transitioning out of early spring can present new challenges for maintaining asphalt integrity. In this blog post, we'll delve into how temperature changes during early spring can affect asphalt, common issues like potholes and cracks, and effective strategies for mitigating temperature-related damage through proper maintenance techniques, including asphalt rejuvenation. Temperature Fluctuations and Asphalt: April is notorious for its unpredictable weather patterns, with fluctuating temperatures being a common occurrence. These temperature swings can have a significant impact on asphalt surfaces. As temperatures rise and fall, asphalt expands and contracts, leading to stress on the surface. This stress can result in various forms of damage, including potholes, cracks, and surface deterioration. Common…
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Cold Weather & Asphalt: A Not-So-Hot Mix 

Cold Weather & Asphalt: A Not-So-Hot Mix 

If seasonal asphalt maintenance slipped through the cracks–then you might be wondering if your asphalt is doomed. Well though we like to keep things on the positive side, we’ll be honest, winter can have some pretty gruesome effects on your asphalt. But don’t worry, all is not lost! But before we talk about the next steps let's take a minute to understand a little more about what happens to your asphalt in the winter time! What Does Cold Weather Do to Asphalt Pavement? In freezing weather, asphalt undergoes significant changes that can impact its structural integrity. Asphalt pavement consists of a mix of gravel, sand, and an asphalt binder. When exposed to cold temperatures, especially below freezing, the asphalt binder becomes rigid and more susceptible…
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The Art of Asphalt Rejuvenation: A Step-by-Step Guide 

The Art of Asphalt Rejuvenation: A Step-by-Step Guide 

Asphalt, the unsung hero of our roads and driveways, withstands the brunt of daily traffic, harsh weather, and time.Over the years, it's natural for asphalt to show signs of wear and tear. But fear not, because there's an art to revitalizing tired asphalt – it's called rejuvenation. In this guide, we'll take you through the step-by-step process of asphalt rejuvenation, explaining not just how it's done, but why it's a crucial step in extending the life of your asphalt surfaces. Step 1: Assessment Before diving into the rejuvenation process, it's essential to assess the condition of your asphalt. Look for cracks, potholes, and areas with surface distress. Understanding the current state of your asphalt will guide the rejuvenation approach. Surface-Level Defense: Traditional sealcoating claims to…
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Traditional Sealcoating: A Superficial Solution with MAJOR Issues 

Traditional Sealcoating: A Superficial Solution with MAJOR Issues 

If you're a property owner, you're likely looking for ways to maintain your asphalt surfaces and make them last longer.  Traditional sealcoating may seem like a simple and quick fix to protect your asphalt, but beware – it's not all it's cracked up to be. In this blog post, we're here to spill the tea on traditional sealcoating and the major issues it can cause. The Water Problem: Traditional sealcoating products are usually water-based, which sounds great in theory, right? Wrong. Water is asphalt's enemy, and slathering it with a water-based sealcoat might actually make things worse. Instead of protecting your asphalt, it could end up causing long-term damage. Aesthetic Letdown: So you want that sleek black look for your asphalt? Well, traditional sealcoating might…
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Asphalt Maintenance – Beat Winter at Its Own Game 

Asphalt Maintenance – Beat Winter at Its Own Game 

Winter is coming, and now is the time to make sure your asphalt surface is properly winterized.  Whether you're a business owner or a homeowner with pavement, winter weather can wreak havoc on your asphalt. With freezing temperatures, snow, and ice, unprepared asphalt can become a hazard to both pedestrians and vehicles. Don't wait until the last minute to safeguard your investment.  In this post, we'll discuss the importance of winterizing your asphalt and how our winterization services can benefit you. The Important of Winterizing Your Pavement When water freezes, it expands, which can cause cracks and damage to your pavement. If these issues are left unaddressed, they can become safety hazards and lead to liability issues. As a property owner, it's essential to be…
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Pavement Markers – Keeping Our Roads Safe

Pavement Markers – Keeping Our Roads Safe

Pavement markers may be different from your first thoughts when considering road safety. When you think about road safety, what comes to mind?  Most of us think about things like driving the speed limit, wearing a seatbelt, and being aware of other drivers on the road. But drivers and property owners alike often overlook another crucial factor when it comes to road safety: pavement markers.  Pavement markers, also known as pavement striping, use paint or tape to create lines or symbols on roads and highways. These markings serve the vital purpose of keeping our streets safe for all users. Let’s take a closer look at why this is so important.  The Importance of Visibility  Pavement markers and pavement striping help make roads easier to navigate…
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The Benefits of Asphalt Rejuvenator RejuvaShield

The Benefits of Asphalt Rejuvenator RejuvaShield

Whether you own a business or home, maintaining the life cycle of your asphalt can be one of the most important investments you make. Periodically applying RejuvaShield can help extend the life cycle of your asphalt pavement indefinitely, so it is essential to understand why and how this product works. Let’s look at what RejuvaShield does and why it is an effective solution for preserving and rejuvenating asphalt. What is RejuvaShield? RejuvaShield is a revolutionary product that helps preserve and protect asphalt surfaces. It is a water-based emulsion containing nanotechnology that penetrates deep into the surface of the asphalt. This technology helps to seal and bind particles within the surface, which in turn helps to reduce cracking, weathering, erosion, and other forms of deterioration. RejuvaShield…
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Keeping Up with Pavement Maintenance

Keeping Up with Pavement Maintenance

Pavement maintenance is an essential part of keeping roads safe and usable. Adequately maintained asphalt pavement and driveway pavement can last for years, saving property owners money. As anyone who has ever been down a poorly maintained road knows, properly maintained asphalt and pavement markers help drivers have an enjoyable ride.  Maintaining pavement is no easy task; it requires a combination of regular inspections, preventive repairs, and proactive treatments to keep the pavement in optimal condition. Let’s look at some of the most essential aspects of pavement maintenance.  Regular Pavement Inspections  Regular pavement inspections are necessary to identify any areas of distress or damage on the roadway before they worsen. Conduct pavement inspections at least once every two years, but more frequent examinations may be…
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How Asphalt Sealcoat Affects Asphalt Rejuvenators

How Asphalt Sealcoat Affects Asphalt Rejuvenators

Asphalt rejuvenators restore the look and feel of asphalt damaged by weather and frequent usage. It's an integral part of maintaining your driveway or parking lot, but there are a few things you need to know before applying it. Specifically, asphalt sealcoat can significantly impact how well asphalt rejuvenator works—so let's take a closer look at why that is. What Is Asphalt Sealcoat? Asphalt sealcoat is a protective coating applied to asphalt surfaces to protect them from the elements and wear caused by oil and debris. It's typically made from coal tar or asphalt emulsion and is usually applied as a thin liquid and dries into a hard shell. Sealcoating helps protect the underlying asphalt surface from oxidation, fading, cracking, and water damage.  Asphalt sealcoat…
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